Outlet Stores Deutschland, die großen Factory Outlet Center

GETI WILBA Werkverkauf Bremervörde

Outlet Bremervörde

27432 Bremervörde | Deutschland
Geti Wilba, headquartered in Bremervörde, has been delivering restaurant-quality frozen food since 1984. With a focus on wild game and poultry, the company offers a wide selection of frozen products, including enhanced meat cuts and ready meals. In addition to supplying Edeka, Rewe, and many other well-known supermarket chains, Geti Wilba also operates the Geti Wilba Factory Outlet in Bremervörde. This is the perfect place to personally explore their entire range of products and take advantage of extensive discounts. And if you visit the factory, you'll only be an hour away from the North Sea. It's a tempting combination of a day at the beach and bargains for dinner.
GETI WILBA Werkverkauf Bremervörde
Hansestraße 2
27432 Bremervörde

Outlet für Lebensmittel
04761 879185

Öffnungszeiten:Mittwoch 13.00-18.00 UhrDonnerstag und Freitag 09.30-18.00 Uhr

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